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There were a few interesting plot points as well, namely because it deals with a legendary Japanese queen known as the Death Queen, and we are all led to believe that she is an evil sorceress who was banished to an island and imprisoned in a tomb because she was, well, so evil. In a way, I thought that maybe she would have been a bit more skilful, though I guess that would make it a little unrealistic as it is also supposed to be a coming of age type of film, and in another sense a passing on the baton. So, Lara decides that she might as well sign the papers, only to discover a piece to a puzzle that sends her on a round the world adventure.Īs I said, it is difficult to compare the two films since in this one it seems as if she is a bit of a newbie when it comes to adventuring, and it is the hunting down her father plotline (which a part of me believes that was the original film as well). Well, once again it is the story of the abandoned child since her father went off on an adventure seven years ago and is now presumed dead. However, here we start off with Lara as a bicycle courier in London, and she seems to forever be getting herself into trouble. Okay, it has been a while since I've seen the original Lara Croft film, and it also seems that I never got around to writing a review for it either, so it makes it difficult to compare. Actually, I sometimes wonder why Hollywood insists on rebooting and remaking successful films when it is quite clear that it rarely, if ever, works. Okay, it is a reboot, and reboots are never original, but then again they never end up being all that successful either, especially when the original was so much better. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there that really enjoy these films, but all I can say is that it is basically unoriginal. Well, not really, but I certainly wasn't able to get into it. Honestly, I'm not all that sure why it is I go and watch these movies because as it turned out this one was pretty bad. In fact, it became quite clear when I watched the preview a second time (as I wasn't really paying attention the first time I saw it) that I realised it was a reboot. In fact, when I first saw the advertisements for this instalment a part of me thought that it was just Angelina reprising her role, only to be rather baffled when I discovered that Lara Croft was actually being played by a completely different actress. Well, I'm actually thinking that it is getting less and less the further we progress because I'm sure that the Angeline Jolie Tomb Raiders were only out a few years ago.


I'm sort of wandering how old a movie has to be when they decide that it is time for a remake.

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